Aubervilliers, France

Christina Novack

Christina Novack had served with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Aubervilliers, France, a suburb of Paris and later returned to France to continue her work as a missionary. She has since returned home to develop a deeper relationship and wisdom from the Lord.

Christina worked in the Hospitality Ministry where she welcomed YWAM students and prepared them for their three-month stay. The main goal of the ministry was to help people feel seen and encouraged.

Below is her journey in loving others in the name of Christ while in France.

Christina’s Goodbye
Christina Novack Christina Novack

Christina’s Goodbye

My time in international missions is coming to a close for now. I will be moving back to the States at the end of October. So in less than 2 weeks. I have spent a lot of time in prayer seeking wisdom from…

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June/July Update
Christina Novack Christina Novack

June/July Update

I will be home for a visit from August 1st - 23rd. I'm looking forward to seeing all my family and friends. It will be so good to catch up after being away for a whole year. I will be…

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May Missionary Update
Christina Novack Christina Novack

May Missionary Update

Wow, two months have passed since my last update. Time DOES fly by when you're having fun. March was all about finishing French School. April has been adjusting back to…

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Covid Update
Christina Novack Christina Novack

Covid Update

In case you weren't aware, I got covid! I didn't expect it but I guess no one really does. I won't sugar coat it... it was not good. I suffered from intense body ache and fatigue during my 10-day quarantine. Thankfully body ache, fatigue, and some loss of smell were my only symptoms…

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January Update
Christina Novack Christina Novack

January Update

I'm excited to have finally made it here to Provence! It was a little touch and go getting here with the Covid situation here in France. So Praise God there were no problems with the traveling. It's been a…

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December Update
Christina Novack Christina Novack

December Update

This month has been focused on celebrating the birth of Jesus and really pulling my strength from God. It's easy to get caught up in the Christmas whirlwind of shopping, decorating, and all things…

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November Update
Christina Novack Christina Novack

November Update

We have a cafe here that caters to our Paris base. We are not currently open to the public but we are open to everyone on site. I got briefly trained on how to make various different drinks before lockdown happened.

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October Update
Christina Novack Christina Novack

October Update

Evangelism takes on many forms. I have recently had the opportunity to use my love of manicures and all things girly as a way to connect with local women.

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Letters Home
Christina Novack Christina Novack

Letters Home

I made it back to France safe and sound. The first part of my trip was sort of bumpy. When I got to LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) they were hesitant to let me on board because I didn't have a printed medical certificate of my negative COVID-19 test. Through lots of prayer I was able to get on the plane.

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