May Missionary Update

Hello again,

Wow, two months have passed since my last update. Time DOES fly by when you're having fun. March was all about finishing French School. April has been adjusting back to full-time work in Paris.

First and foremost I want to acknowledge that:
He Has Risen

What a beautiful time that is Easter. It just moves me so much to rejoice and celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The fact that He came to live a perfect and sinless life, knowingly sacrificed Himself for us, then rose from the dead. I am in awe at His great love for us. I truly don't have enough words to express my love and joy for my heavenly Father.

'The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.
He is not here; HE HAS RISEN, just as he said.
Come and see the place where he lay. '

Matthew 28:5-6

My housemates and I celebrated with a brunch and reading scripture together.

My housemates and I celebrated with a brunch and reading scripture together.

Leading the Hospitality Ministry

I get to continue leading the hospitality ministry again now that I am back from French School. I am working with a great team of women. We get to continue supporting the other ministries here. We also are continuing the upkeep and beautification of our building. We want to steward well the home God has provided for us.

'Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. ’
Hebrews 13:1-2

My hospitality team for the next three months.

My hospitality team for the next three months.

Life During Lockdown

So this current lockdown in France is not as strict as the last one. I thought it would be really strict but it's basically life as usual. The only exception being a curfew of 7 pm. Also, our times of evangelism are a bit different. Instead of going out into groups, we pair off and go prayer walking. Prayer is so powerful and can actually make a difference so it's a great practice of faith.

Daniel Fasting

I have been trusting the Lord for breakthroughs in my health. I have already seen great healing through fasting and prayer such as no longer being lactose intolerant and no more arthritis pain. I feel there are more areas that can be healed. So I am using this time of fasting and prayer to really hear and partner with God in healing me.

'Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink. Then compare our appearance with that of the young men who eat the royal food, and treat your servants in accordance with what you see.” So he agreed to this and tested them for ten days. At the end of the ten days, they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food. '

Daniel 1:12-15

Trusting for a Building

As an organization, we just purchased our first property! The land that I currently live on. Our next goal is to continue expanding and purchasing the adjacent property and renovating it. We're using this property to build more classrooms, a cafe to cater to the community, as well as an auditorium to hold worship for 200+ people. Our financial goal is 140,000€ and we have currently raised 44,000€. We're definitely seeing financial breakthroughs and God's provision.

Prayer Requests

• Daniel Fasting - Please pray that I have the strength for my fast and really hear from God clearly.
• My Ministry - Please pray that I am able to reach the people of Aubervilliers. Also for protection as I go out and pray and evangelize.
• My Family - Please pray that they find comfort in the Lord while I am serving in France. It has been challenging for them to have me so far away. The distance was really felt when I was sick.
• France - Please pray that covid cases continue to decrease.
• Property Project - That we see all the funds come in for our property so we can start renovating and building more. We are close to full capacity as is and really need more space.

Thank You

I am so thankful for your support and faithfulness. There are not enough words to express my gratitude.
I ask that you continue keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.

Love and Blessings,

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Christina Novack

Christina was born and raised in California with a huge love for travel. Prior to being a missionary, she worked in the healthcare field serving people with mental health and substance abuse issues. She is passionate about serving people wholeheartedly, especially people who feel hopeless, unloved, and broken. God showed her that His love can be so redeeming and she wants to show that same love to others.


June/July Update


Covid Update