Missionary Update


Ben Vail

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Inland Empire


Ben Vail is an Area Ministry Director in the Inland Empire for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and oversees 18 colleges and universities in San Bernardino and Riverside counties in urban, suburban, and rural communities.

With more than 200,000 students attending these colleges, Ben leads his team in planting on-campus ministries to identify and disciple the next generation of church leaders, inviting them to learn how to lead Bible studies, abide in Jesus, and share their faith with their friends on campus.

Join with us as we prayerfully seek the Lord to establish thriving communities where students come to know and follow Jesus on every corner of every campus!

In 2022 and beyond, Ben is seeking to plant new ministries on more college campuses across the Inland Empire. River of Life is committed to supporting Ben and the Inland Empire Area, so that together we can develop and disciple the next generation of church members, elders, leaders, pastors and missionaries.

For more information about Inland Empire Intervarsity visit https://www.ieintervarsity.org/.

2023 Spring Conference