Service Update

Serving the community in life and spirit

River of Life is committed to serving the city of Monterey Park and the local community. We follow Christ's example in the Incarnation as "the Word became flesh and lived among us" (John 1:14). Jesus came to a specific time, culture and neighborhood, and while his message is universal in scope, it was grounded in place. So we too look for ways for the Church to make real the message of the gospel in our local community. The goal of our service is to "seek the shalom ‘-the flourishing-’ of the city" (Jeremiah 29:7), flourishing that embraces all of our existence: spiritual, physical, mental, and community life.

May 18, 2023
Food Distribution

May 11-12, 2023
Monterey Park Play Days

April 22, 2023
Prayer Walk

January 22, 2023
Monterey Park Prayer Vigil

December 17, 2022
Heritage Manor Caroling

October 20, 2022
Monterey Park Monster Mash

 June 23, 2022
Monterey Park Movie Night & Farrmers' Market

April 14, 2022
Monterey Park Spring Egg Hunt

Monterey Park Saturday Service

July 18, 2020

Did you know that unwanted bulky items are often left abandoned on city streets and alleys? In July, we partnered with city employees and leaders to help beautify Monterey Park. We stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the City Manager and the Monterey Park Fire Department to help fill trash bins with abandoned bulky items. Our city is dear to us, and we want the community to know River of Life is a church that is not afraid to serve practically to love its neighbors. 

Monterey Park Prayer Vigil
June 11, 2020


On June 11th, shortly after reports of more police shootings of unarmed black people, the leaders at River of Life organized a prayer vigil. We wanted to pray for true peace and justice, that these kinds of violent acts against people of color would no longer be perpetrated, and that the oppressive ideologies and systems that allow them would be overturned. We also wanted to support our local police department in their efforts to protect and serve to the best of their abilities. So we welcomed the police chief, as well as the city manager and two city councilmembers. In Matthew 6:10, Jesus taught his disciples to pray, "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." We believe that when we gather people together--people of faith, people of different backgrounds, and even those who do not yet believe--and when we lead in praying for God's lasting peace over situations of unrest and tragedy, that God is using us to bring His kingdom and do His will. In this way, we bring the gospel--the good news--that the kingdom of God is near and that in this kingdom all things are being made new.


Handmade Facemasks

Over 100 face masks were made by our group (Bonnie, Helen, and Lou) and were donated to Monterey Park Hospital May 30. Our administrator contact Jeanette said "thank you!" and has showcased the donation in their employee newsletter. Thank you Bonnie, Helen, and Lou for using your skills with your hands to bless and help protect workers at the hospital!