Christina’s Goodbye

I'm moving back to Los Angeles!

My time in international missions is coming to a close for now. I will be moving back to the States at the end of October. So in less than 2 weeks. I have spent a lot of time in prayer seeking wisdom from the Lord. This is unexpected for me since I planned on being in missions way longer. The Lord asked me to let go of my plans and expectations. He gave me the scripture:

‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.'

Jeremiah 29:11-13 

Through this scripture, God spoke to let go of my expectations and follow His plans, not my own. He has asked me to trust Him and submit to Him. 

‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.'

Proverbs 3:5-6

What my future will look like.

As for my plans when I return home, I will be focusing on therapy (both emotional and physical). This year the Lord spoke it would be a year of healing for me. He asked me to partner with Him as He wants to heal my heart. So that’s what I am doing. I am going to be focusing on trauma therapy to continue healing from past hurts. As you may know, I have a very tumultuous past that involved a very abusive relationship and drug addiction. I praise God for the freedom I have found in Him. However, it has left lasting hurt. I have come to a place where I can begin the healing process.

As for the physical, I actually injured myself back in July. I had a couple of really bad falls that I downplayed. I thought it wasn't serious and just figured the pain would go away on its own. I ended up needing to go to the hospital because the pain has been getting worse to the point where it affects my daily life. I found out I have spinal irritation. I don't need surgery or anything major; I do, however, need physical therapy. So with all this being said, I will be seeking medical care while I'm home.

Looking at all that God has done.

Looking back at the last 2½ years I have come to know God on a much deeper and intimate level. I learned that God created us for relationships and He wants a relationship with us... with me! I have learned how to not just hear but really listen to what God has to say. He speaks so clearly in so many ways. I hear Him through scriptures, songs, and images. The Lord is so creative and knows just how to guide me.

Serving in missions has really grown and challenged me. I have learned how to trust in God to provide for me in so many ways. When I have been confused and lost He has brought clarity and peace. When I have been sad He has brought comfort.

God gave me a wonderful place to really come to know Him. I will be forever grateful to God for bringing me to France and providing exactly what I needed when I needed it.

This is one of my first times worshiping in the city.

I got to go on a 3-month trip where I visited 6 different countries. I got to evangelize, worship in the streets, and work with various organizations.

I worked in the kitchen ministry making sure my fellow missionaries got fed.

I got to practice what I learned and gathered people to pray/evangelize in my hometown.

One of my favorite ministries was working with women by painting their nails and really connecting with them.

I got to work in our cafe where all the profits went towards financing our property project.

One of my favorite hospitality duties is baking for the community and getting to love people in a simple way.

I loved our Christmas celebrations - I got to coordinate a cookie-making party this past Christmas.

I hosted some women's brunches to really connect all the women on base. It was a nice time to worship together and share testimonies.

I had the opportunity to go to French School and really connect with the locals.

Prayer Requests

•  My Future - That I may continue to do God's will.
•  My Mental Health - That I find healing from past traumas.
•  My Physical Health - That my spine gets healed so I can live life to the fullest.
•  My Travels - That I am able to get my Covid test results in time and that I will have a safe flight.


I am so thankful for your support and faithfulness. There are not enough words to express my gratitude.
I ask that you continue keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.

Love and Blessings,

Christina Novack

Christina was born and raised in California with a huge love for travel. Prior to being a missionary, she worked in the healthcare field serving people with mental health and substance abuse issues. She is passionate about serving people wholeheartedly, especially people who feel hopeless, unloved, and broken. God showed her that His love can be so redeeming and she wants to show that same love to others.


June/July Update