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Getting Home Safely

I made it back to France safe and sound. The first part of my trip was sort of bumpy. When I got to LAX (Los Angeles International Airport) they were hesitant to let me on board because I didn't have a printed medical certificate of my negative COVID-19 test. Through lots of prayer I was able to get on the plane. Once I got to France I was a bit nervous that I wouldn't be allowed into the country because I was told they were very strict with the qualifications to be let. Upon arrival, I showed them my passport and the email of my test results and I was let in no problem. It was actually the easiest and fastest time I had entering the country. Praise God, all the prayers worked!

This a picture of my home. I live in the upstairs apartment with the blue shutters. We call this property our base since this is where we gather to work and share meals. 

This a picture of my home. I live in the upstairs apartment with the blue shutters. We call this property our base since this is where we gather to work and share meals. 

Hospitality Ministry
I have been praying about what my time at YWAM Paris Connect looks like. I asked the Lord for clarity and direction and I sure got it. I got the clarity that I was to dedicate three years to our Hospitality ministry. I'm really excited for this coming season of growth and transition. The plan is to lead the ministry completely. I'm so excited about all the things the Lord has in store for this time. I also get to use the information I learned from the Hospitality Seminar I attended in March.

French School
I'll be going to a French immersion school in Provence, France from January to March. What that means is that I'll be doing one month of studying French and two months immersed in French culture. I'll be working in local ministry and interacting with everyone I meet in French. How cool is that! I am excited to learn French since I will be living and working here for the next few years. I'm looking forward to evangelizing in French. 

The cost of the school is $2300 which I am confident the Lord will provide. I have four months to fundraise and I know I'll be able to get all the funds by then. If you would like to partner with me there is a link down below to support me. 

This is a map of where Provence is in relation to Paris. 

This is a map of where Provence is in relation to Paris. 

Prayer Requests

• Health - Since I have been back my chronic headaches have gotten worse. Please pray for healing so I can continue working well in my ministry.
• Family - It is very challenging for my family that I live so far away from them. Please pray that while I am here they have peace of mind.
• October Quarter - Currently we as an organization are trusting for more students to apply for our October schools. There has been lots of opposition in terms of visas being granted and borders being closed. Please pray that more students are able to come. 

Christina Novack

Christina was born and raised in California with a huge love for travel. Prior to being a missionary, she worked in the healthcare field serving people with mental health and substance abuse issues. She is passionate about serving people wholeheartedly, especially people who feel hopeless, unloved, and broken. God showed her that His love can be so redeeming and she wants to show that same love to others.


October Update