Gathering Videos

Current Series

Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel

January 7, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 2:1-7 Jesus is born
Sermon by Wes Burrell

January 14, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 2:21-38: Jesus presented at the temple, Simeon
Sermon by Abner Ramos

January 21, 2024 Gathering
Prayer Service - In remembrance of Monterey Park shooting one year ago

January 28, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 3:1-20: John the Baptist prepares the way
Sermon by Molly Ramos

February 4, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 4:14-30 Jesus Rejected at Nazareth
Sermon by Jesse Chang

February 11, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 4:38-44 Jesus heals many
Sermon by Abner Ramos

February 18, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 5:12-16 Healing of the Leper
Sermon by Jesse Chang

February 25, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 5:27-32 Jesus Calls Levi
Sermon by Molly Ramos

March 3, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 6:1-11 Lord of the Sabbath
Sermon by Abner Ramos

March 10, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 6:17-26 Blessings and Woes
Sermon by Jesse Chang

March 17, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Worship Sunday, prayer and review of Luke thus far

March 24, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 6:46-49 The Wise and Foolish Builders
Sermon by Molly Ramos

March 31, 2024 Gathering Easter Sunday
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 7:11-17 Jesus Raises the Widow's Son
Sermon by Abner Ramos

April 7, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 7:36-50 Anointed by a Sinful Woman
Sermon by Jesse Chang

April 14, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 8:1-15 Sower Parable
Sermon by Molly Ramos

April 21, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 8:26-39 Jesus' restores the demon possessed man
Sermon by Abner Ramos

April 28, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 8:40-56 Jairus' Daughter and the Bleeding Woman
Sermon by Jesse Chang

May 5, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 9:1-9 Jesus sends the disciples out
Sermon by Molly Ramos

May 12, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 9:10-17 Jesus feeds the 5000
Sermon by Jesse Chang

May 19, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 9:21-27 The Cost of Following Jesus
Sermon by Wes Burrell

May 26, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 9:28-35 The Transfiguration
Sermon by Molly Ramos

June 2, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 9:43b-56 Welcoming littles ones, fire on Samaritan village
Sermon by Abner Ramos

June 9, 2024 Gathering
River of Life Monterey Park
4 Year Anniversary - Birthday Celebration

June 16, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 10:17-24 The 72 come back
Sermon by Molly Ramos

June 30, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan
Sermon by Abner Ramos

July 7, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 11:1-13 Teaching on Prayer
Sermon by Jesse Chang

July 17, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 11:14-28 Jesus and Beelzebul
Sermon by Johnny Cabrera

July 21, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 11:29-36
Sermon by Molly Ramos

August 4, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 11:37-54
Sermon by Anber Ramos

August 11, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 12:1-12
Sermon by Jesse Chang

August 18, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 12:13-21 Warning against greed
Sermon by Abner Ramos

August 25, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 12:35-48
Sermon by Molly Ramos

September 1, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series: Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 12:49-59
Sermon by Jesse Chang

September 8, 2024 Gathering
Sermon Series:
Luke: Proclaiming the Gospel
Luke 13:1-9 Repent or Perish, Fig Tree
Sermon by Jesse Chang


Past Series