Mother’s Week 2021: Day 3

By Maria G. Novack

God chose a different way for me to be a mother. My girls were not born from my womb but from my heart. God placed the seed in my heart before they were born. He created a love triangle: birth mother, adoptive mother and child. Such an unconditional love was born in my heart that my life would be different forever. The meaning of my life changed, it was not about me anymore but everything I did was for my girls. Adoption is a gift. Our Lord blessed me with Christina and Angela. They are blessings that God sent to me, and I’m grateful because they bring joy to my heart.

Maria Novack (center) with her daughters, Christina (l) and Angela (r).

Maria Novack (center) with her daughters, Christina (l) and Angela (r).


Mother’s Week 2021: Day 4


Mother’s Week 2021: Day 2